By Admin · Oct 20, 2023


information for the available programs in the College of  Agriculture, Engineering and Science, College of Health Sciences, College of Humanities and College of Law and Management Studies.

College of Agriculture, Engineering, and Science 

1. B Sc Eng: Agricultural (CAO Code: KN-P-BEA)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Maths and Phys Sci 6 & Engl & LO 4 & at least two from the designated list.
  - Duration: 4 years

2. B Sc Eng: Chemical (CAO Code: KN-H-BEC)

3. B Sc Eng: Civil (CAO Code: KN-H-BEV)

4. B Sc Eng: Computer (CAO Code: KN-H-BEK)

5. B Sc Eng: Electrical (CAO Code: KN-H-BEE)

6. B Sc Eng: Electronic (CAO Code: KN-H-BEF)

7. B Sc Eng: Mechanical (CAO Code: KN-H-BEM)

8. B Sc Land Surveying (CAO Code: KN-H-BSL)

9. B Agric (Extension and Rural Resource Management) (CAO Code: KN-P-BAC)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl, LO, Maths & Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4
  - Duration: 3 years

10. B Sc. Agric. Agricultural Economics (CAO Code: KN-P-SAE)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl, LO, Maths & Agric Sci or Econ or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4
  - Duration: 4 years

11. B Agricultural Management (CAO Code: KN-P-BAQ)

12. B Sc Agric. Agricultural Plant Sciences (CAO Code: KN-P-SAP)

13. B Sc Agric. Agribusiness (CAO Code: KN-P-BSB)

14. B Sc Agric. Plant Pathology (CAO Code: KN-P-BSP)

15. B Sc Agric. Soil Science (CAO Code: KN-P-BS1)

16. B Sc Agric. Animal & Poultry Science (CAO Code: KN-P-SAA)

17. B Sc Stream (LES) Life and Earth Sciences (CAO Code: KN-P-BS2)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Maths 5 & Eng & LO 4 & Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4
  - Duration: 3 years

18. B Sc Stream M (Mathematics) (CAO Code: KN-P-BS3)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Maths 5 & Eng & LO 4 & Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4
  - Duration: 3 years

19. B Sc Applied Chemistry (CAO Code: KN-W-BSR)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Maths, Engl, LO & Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4
  - Duration: 3 years

20. B Sc Biological Sciences (CAO Code: KN-P-BSN)

21. B Sc Chemistry and Chemical Technology (CAO Code: KN-P-SIK)

22. B Sc Computer Science and Information Technology (CAO Code: KN-P-BSU)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Maths 5 & Engl, LO & Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4
  - Duration: 3 years

23. B Sc Crop and Horticultural Science (CAO Code: KN-P-SIH)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl, LO 4, Maths 4 & Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4

24. B Sc Environmental Science (CAO Code: KN-P-BSS)

25. B Sc Environmental and Earth Science (CAO Code: KN-P-EES)

26. B Sc Geological Science (CAO Code: KN-W-BSG)

27. B Sc Industrial and Applied Biotechnology (CAO Code: KN-P-SII)

28. B Sc Marine Biology (CAO Code: KN-W-BSM)

29. BSc in Dietetics and Human Nutrition (CAO Code: KN-P-BSD)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl, LO, Maths 4 & Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 4
  - Duration: 4 years

30. B Sc Augmented Programme (CAO Code: KN-P-BS4)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl & LO 4 & Maths & Agric Sci or Life Sci or Phys Sci 3

31. B Sc Engineering Access (CAO Code: KN-H-UNT)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl and LO 4, and Maths, Phys Sci 4
  - Duration: 1 year

College of Health Sciences

1. Bachelor of Audiology (CAO Code: KN-W-BPA)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl and LO 4 and Maths and Life Sci or Phy Sci 3 (Choices 1 to 3 only)
  - Duration: 4 years

2. Bachelor of Speech-Language Therapy (CAO Code: KN-W-BPB)

3. Bachelor of Dental Therapy (CAO Code: KN-W-BDT)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC Deg with Engl and LO 4 and Life Sci and Maths 3 (Choices 1 to 3 only)
  - Duration: 3 years

4. B Medical Science Anatomy (CAO Code: KN-W-MBS)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl, LO 4, Life Sci, Maths and Phys Sci 4 (Choice 1, 2, and 3 will be prioritized)
  - Duration: 3 years

5. B Medical Science Physiology (CAO Code: KN-W-SBF)

6. B Occupational Therapy (CAO Code: KN-W-BOT)

7. B Optometry (CAO Code: KN-W-BOP)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl, LO, Maths, and Life Sci or Phys Sci 4 (Choices 1 to 3 only)
  - Duration: 4 years

8. B Oral Hygiene (CAO Code: KN-W-BON)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC Deg with Engl and LO 4 and Life Sci and Maths 3 (Choices 1-3 only)
  - Duration: 3 years

9. B Pharmacy (CAO Code: KN-W-BPR)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl, Life Sci, LO, Maths, and Phys Sci 4 (Choices 1 to 3 only)
  - Duration: 4 years

10. B Physiotherapy (CAO Code: KN-W-BPH)

11. B Sport Science (CAO Code: KN-W-BRT)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl and LO 4 and Maths/Maths Lit 3
  - Duration: 3 years

12. B Nursing (CAO Code: KN-H-BN1)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl and LO 4 and Maths/Maths Lit 3 and Life Sci 4 (Choice 1 only)
  - Duration: 4 years

13. B Medicine & B Surgery (CAO Code: KN-M-MBC)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl, Life Sci, Maths, and Phys Sci 5 and LO4 (with at least 65% aggregate)
  - Duration: 6 years

College of Humanities

1. BEd (Foundation Phase) (CAO Code: KN-E-BFP)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl & LO L4, isiZulu L4, L4 (50-59%) in Mathematical Literacy or a rating of 3 (40-49%) in Mathematics
  - Duration: 4 years

2. BEd (Intermediate Phase) (CAO Code: KN-E-BSP)

3. BEd (Senior Phase/Further Education & Training) (CAO Code: KN-E-BSP/FET)

4. BA (General Studies) (CAO Code: KN-H-BA2)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl & LO 4 and one of: Bus Stud, Cons Stud, Dram Arts, Econ, Geog, Hist, Info Tech, Life Sci, Maths/Maths Lit, Music, Religion Stud, Vis Arts, any lang HL/FAL 5. Auditions required for music programs
  - Duration: 3 years

5. BA Cultural & Heritage Tourism (CAO Code: KN-H-ABT)

6. B Soc Sc (General Studies) (CAO Code: KN-H-SO2)

7. B Soc Sc Geography & Environmental Management (CAO Code: KN-H-SGE)

8. B SocSc (Housing) (CAO Code: KN-H-SOR)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Eng and, Maths L4
  - Duration: 4 years

9. B Architectural Studies (CAO Code: KN-H-BAR)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Maths 5, Eng and LO 4 and one of: Bus Stud, Cons Stud, Drama Arts, Econ, Geo, His, Info Tech, Life Sci, Music, Religion Stud, Vis Arts, any lang HL/FAL 5. Deserving applicants will be requested to submit a portfolio of creative work, write an essay and complete a questionnaire
  - Duration: 4 years

10. B Social Work (CAO Code: KN-H-BSX)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Eng and LO 4 and one of: Bus Stud, Cons Stud, Drama Arts, Econ, Geo, Hist, Info Tech, Life Sci, Maths/Maths Lit, Music, Religion Stud, Vis Arts, any lang HL/FAL 5
  - Duration: 4 years

11. BA Philosophy, Politics & Law (CAO Code: KN-H-ABP)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl & LO 4 and one of: Bus Stud, Cons Stud, Dram Arts, Econ, Geog, Hist, Info Tech, Life Sci, Maths/Maths Lit, Music, Religion Stud, Vis Arts, any lang HL/FAL 5
  - Duration: 3 years

12. BA International Studies (CAO Code: KN-P-ABI)

13. BA Visual Art (CAO Code: KN-P-AAV)

14. B Soc Sc Government, Business & Ethics (CAO Code: KN-P-SOG)

15. B Theology (CAO Code: KN-P-BTH)

16. Humanities Extended Curriculum (CAO Code: KN-H-SO4)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl & LO 4
  - Duration: 4 years

College of Law and Management Studies

1. Bachelor of Laws (CAO Code: KN-H-BL1)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl HL 5/FAL 6 & Maths 3/Maths Lit 5 & LO 4
  - Duration: 4 years

2. Bachelor of Laws (p/t) (CAO Code: KN-H-BLZ)
  - Duration: 6 years

3. Bachelor of Administration (CAO Code: KN-W-BAD)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl & LO 4 & Maths 3
  - Duration: 3 years

4. Bachelor of Business Administration (CAO Code: KN-W-BBA)

5. Bachelor of Business Science in Economics (CAO Code: KN-W-B5E)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Maths 6 & Engl & LO 4
  - Duration: 4 years

6. Bachelor of Business Science in Finance (CAO Code: KN-W-B5F)

7. Bachelor of Business Science in Investment Science (CAO Code: KN-W-B5I)

8. B Com (General) (CAO Code: KN-P-BC1)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Engl, LO 4, Maths 4
  - Duration: 3 years

9. B Com (Accounting) (CAO Code: KN-P-BCN)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Maths 5 & Engl & LO 4

10. B Com General (Extended Curriculum) (CAO Code: KN-P-BCG)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg with Maths 3, LO & Engl 4
  - Duration: 4 years

11. B Com Accounting (Extended Curriculum) (CAO Code: KN-P-BCO)
  - Entry Requirements: NSC-Deg Maths 4, LO & Engl 4
  - Duration: 4 years


 APS (Admission Point Score) ranges may apply to some programs. Make sure to refer to the institution and the prospectus for the most up-to-date information.

How to Apply:

Click on the link to apply:

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